We are happy to announce a new service (Book scanning service). You can request a scanned version (PDF) of the books you need to study from for the exams.


1-      If you know the book you want, go to step no. 2, if not, go to the library page (http://www.gju.edu.jo/content/library-439) select “E-resources (off-campus), Login using your GJU credentials, and then search for the books you want using the library catalogue.

2-      Use the following form Book Scanning Service form to request the chapter you want (Maximum 2 chapters at a time).

3-      We will fulfill your request the next business day. We will send you your request using your e-mail, so please use your GJU e-mail.



Important notice: due to copyrights, we will watermark your copy with your details, and you will be held responsible to keep it for your own usage, and not distributing it, even to others inside GJU.