Source of Funding: Simulation program (DiGSILENT) from Germany, funded by GJU
Published/Submitted to: School of Natural Resources Engineering as a |Graduation Project
Projects Status: Completed
Research Staff: Dr. Ahmad Muhaidat, Osama Arqoub (Student)and Sabine Zureikat (Student)
Start Date/ End Date: February 2010 till August 2010


Project Description: Design and implement a comprehensive simulator tool for a backup system that can be used at power plants. The backup system operates in case of a power failure in the main generation unit by restarting it or, in the worst case scenario, by shutting down the power station to prevent any damage to the subsystems at the station. Combining more than one system (diesel generators, control systems, protection units…etc), that would operate together, as a complete backup system for power plants in case of emergencies constitute the project’s objective