Source of Funding: Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific research
Published/Submitted to: Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Projects Status: In Process
Research Staff: Dr. Ahmad Muhaidat (Principal Investigator-GJU), Dr. Mohammad Al-Addous(GJU), Prof. Dr. Nabil Ayoub(GJU), Dr. Bassim Abbassi(BAU), Dr. Samer Al-Gharabli (GJU)
Start-End Date: Started on 07/2009



Project description: Water supply problems are apparent all over the world. In the Middle East (specifically Jordan) the availability of water for drinking and agricultural purposes is vital for further economic, Social, and political development. Therefore, desalination of brackish water can contribute towards the alleviation of the water scarcity problem as the resources of brackish water in Jordan are large. The reverse Osmosis desalination technologies powered by stand-alone photovoltaic power supply system will be used in this research. The system will be optimized due to the fluctuation of the solar radiation over the day, and will be tested based on the load energy consumption. Further, different types of reverse osmosis membrane will be tested to reduce the energy consumption per desalination unit.