
the laboratory of fluid dynamics,heat transfer , and chemical reaction engineering is a process material that relates to the theories covered by the materials of heat transfer engineering and chemical reactions. Upon successful completion of this material, the student will be able to:


  • Apply the concepts of Reaction Engineering, heat and substance transport principles in various process fields.
  • Identify the main components of each type of reactor and heat exchangers.
  • Determine the overall efficiency of different types of heat exchangers.
  • Determine the reaction kinetics using the reactor of the following (batch, tubular, CSTR and CSTR in series reactors).
  • Perform chemical engineering and heat transfer calculations related to each experiment.
  • Present practical results in the form of clear graphs and tables.
  • Compare practical results with theoretical results found in the literature or calculated from physical principles to determine compatibility and divergence.
  • The student must master the basic skills of writing technical reports in both forms; complete and short.


there are a number of different experiments available in the laboratory to cover the concepts of Chemical Engineering and heat transfer. - Coated vessel with coil and motor, shell and tube heat exchanger, concentric tube heat exchanger, extended plate heat exchanger, continuous stirring tank reactor, batch reactor, tubular reactor, diffusion coefficient and continuous stirring tank reactor in series.


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