With 11 partners, the department of pharmaceutical and chemical engineering supports PCE students to pursue their education in Germany. The first half of the German exchange year is all about earning knowledge in the relevant academic fields. The listed partner universities offer multidisciplinary courses the PCE students benefit from either during their stay in Germany or will do so after graduation.


(1) Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen


Email: info@hs-albsig.de

Phone: + 49 7571 732 - 0

Handbook: Click here 



(2) Hochschule Anhalt

Email: Info@hs-anhalt.de

Phone: +49 3496 67-1010

Handbook: Click Here  




(3) Berliner Hochschule für Technik


Email: incoming@bht-berlin.de

Phone: + 49 30 4504 0

Handbook: Click Here




(4) Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden



Email: info@htw-dresden.de

Phone:+49 351 462-0

Handbook: Click Here 




(5) Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences - Crunchbase School Profile &  Alumni


Email: info-center(at)fra-uas.de

Phone: +49 69 1533-0

Handbook: Click Here




(6) Hochschule Fulda

Email: studienbewerbung@hs-fulda.de

Phone: + 49 661 9640-0

Handbook: Click Here




(7) Hochschule Furtwangen – Schwenningen

Email: info(at)hs-furtwangen.de

Phone: +49 7723 9200

Handbook: Click Here





(8)Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Kempten University, Germany | Study.eu

Email: post(at)hs-kempten.de

Phone: 0831/25 23-0

Handbook: Click Here





(9) Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe

Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences - Germany - EduCativ

Email: info@th-owl.de

Phone: +4952617020

Handbook (1): Click Here / Handbook (2): Click Here 





(10) Fachhochschule Lübeck - Lübeck

Email: studieninfo@fh-luebeck.de

Phone: +49 451 300 5229

Handbook: Click Here





 (11)  Hochschule Neubrandenburg 

University Positions - The Hochschule Neubrandenburg - University of Applied  Sciences is currently offering a Professorship (W2) position for the  subject area "Social Law/Administrative Law and Social Services" in  Neubrandenburg, Germany. Since


Email: fritsche@hs-nb.de

Phone: +49 395 5693-0

Handbook: Click Here