Development and utilization of solar driven water pumping and Desalination units for applications in the remote areas of Jordan.

Source of Funding: Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific research
Published/Submitted to: Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Projects Status: In Process
Research Staff: Dr. Ahmad Muhaidat (Principal Investigator-GJU), Dr. Mohammad Al-

Efficiency of PV system in the Jordan Valley


The current project, namely “Efficiency of PV Systems in the Jordan Valley” went a step further towards optimizing the produced energy / capital investment costs ratio by increasing the efficiency of the PV array, incorporating maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system, optimizing the electrical generation

Design and Simulation of Backup System for a Power Plant

Source of Funding: Simulation program (DiGSILENT) from Germany, funded by GJU
Published/Submitted to: School of Natural Resources Engineering as a |Graduation Project
Projects Status: Completed
Research Staff: Dr. Ahmad Muhaidat, Osama Arqoub (Student)and Sabine Zureikat (

Integrated Solar System for Hot Water Domestic and Heating

Source of Funding: GJU
Published/Submitted to: Graduation Project-GJU
Projects Status: Completed
Research Staff: Dr. Mohammad Al-Addous, Abdullah Nsair (Student)
Start-End Date: 10/2009- 06/2010.

Project Description: This Project is