The council is chaired by the president and consists of the following members:

  • Deputy Presidents
  • Three Deans assigned by the president for a one-year term who substitute among each other
  • An academic staff member from each school or two members from each school where the number of academic staff is more than 15 and are therefore elected by the academic staff members in their schools at the beginning of each academic year provided that the representation from each academic department in the school is considered in case there is more than one representative
  • Three directors of the academic, technical, administrative and financial departments in the university
  • Two members from the local community
  • Two student representatives. 


It comprises 28 members and meets 3 times each year or more if necessary.

The university council assumes the following tasks and powers:

  • Promoting the level of services provided by the university in the fields of education, scientific research, training and public service.
  • Examining the annual plan of the university’s developmental projects prepared by the president and submitting it to the board of trustees to issue a decision regarding them. In case of a private university, the examination will be submitted to the commission for approval before being sent to the board of trustees
  • Discussing the university’s draft regulations and instructions to complete the necessary procedures regarding them
  • Approving the university’s annual budget draft and its annual closing financial accounts and financial statements and approve them before sending them to the board of trustees.
  • Approving university’s performance reports, activities and accomplishments in before sending them to the board of trustees
  • Examining any other matters presented by the president regarding the university.