The German Jordanian Insurance Center (GJIC) represents a distinctive university-industry affiliation in the form of an educational center focusing on insurance.

Since GJU adopts the German “hochschule” system, it now occupies a prominent standing among fellow Jordanian as well as Arab universities by offering a unique model of “applied-sciences” education.

However, it is essential for such an educational model to be grounded on viable partnerships with the various industry sectors. Moreover, the strength, effectiveness and sustainability of the “applied-sciences education” stem from the university-industry reciprocal transfer of knowledge, technology and expertise.

Our partnership with the Jordan Insurance Federation (JOIF) came to inaugurate the establishment of GJIC. JOIF as a representational body of the insurance sector in Jordan possesses the sectorial expertise and aims at upgrading, developing, promoting and advancing the insurance sector. Therefore, GJU-JOIF partnership equips GJIC with the required proficiency to offer consultation, specialized training and professional diplomas insurance and to provide the local, Arab, and international market with the distinctive competencies in the field.

We look forward to deploying the GJIC’s potential synergies and to elevating it into a degree-awarding institute in the future.

Dr. Malek Alsharairi