Amman- January 22, 2017


Students from different universities in Germany came for this semester and attended  the ALC programme "Arabic Language and Culture" organized by the School of Applied Humanities and Languages and the Consultation and Training Center , where they had the chance to learn Arabic more intensively "standard and Modern Jordanian dialect" separately by giving them everyday classes with different skills like reading,writing,listening,grammar, discussion up to date topics and media Arabic. As the programme concerns are not just to learn a language but also to gain a better understanding of the culture, mentality and gestures of the language.

The proramme offered weekly tutorials related to subjects​ discussed. They visited The Jordan Museum and Jordan Heritage , went with their study buddies to Daret Alfunoun, had an excursion to Petra, Wadi Rum and Aqaba, paid a visit to an International Organization like CARITAS, , the student also visited ARAMRAM a Jordanian Web TV, hada calligraphy workshop as well as a workshop in creative Arabic writing and they had a cooking workshop where they become the opportunity to learn how to prepare an Arabic dish.