Amman-   29 November 2016 
In coordination with the Deanship of Student Affairs, the GJU Robotics club organized a lecture about VEX Robotics Competition on Wednesday, 29 November, 2016.
Eng. Hala Sha’ban , coordinator of the competition elaborated that in the VEX competitions teams of students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play against other teams from around the world in a game-based engineering challenge. Classroom STEM concepts are put to the test on the playing field as students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more.

She added that such a robotics competition is considered to be an extracurricular activity with a  social development, improving self-esteem. It inspires students  to pursue STEM careers, to be leaders in science and technology, and to be successful.  

At the end of the lecture, a short video was displayed about the VEX Robotics Competition to show students more information about the competition and how can they join and register for it.