Amman- 1 October 2022

Dr. Mohammad F. Khanfar, Exchange Coordinator in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering shared his latest visit to Villingen-Schwenningen within the School of Applied Medical Science (SAMS) Network Meeting 2022.


This year, the meeting was held in Villingen-Schwenningen, in specific in Schwenningen, a nice city in the southern part of Germany. The meeting was held at Hochschule Furtwangen University, on the 15th and the 16th of September. The meeting was great and well organized, thanks to the combined efforts of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sliman Shaikheleid and his colleagues at Furtwangen. In the meeting, the updates related to the PCE department have been demonstrated. Over the past year, the PCE department obtained the ASIIN accreditation, and the Approval to launch the M.Sc. program in Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering, which will start on the coming October of 2022. As a recommendation, it has been agreed to specify the courses to be offered to the PCE outgoing students at each of the German partner universities. Prof. Dr. Adnan Lahham joined us in the meeting and his contribution was significant and objective.

Following the network meeting. I stopped by Bonn Rhein Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Based on old communications back in 2019, we decided to have the Chemistry department at Bonn as a partner with the PCE. The generous invitation of Prof. Dr. Annette Menke is highly appreciated. In the meeting we discussed the possibility of exchanging students from both universities. As well, I met Prof. Marc Williams from the Chemistry Department at Bonn.  Marc is a Chemical Engineering Professor who teaches in both German and English. Marc has shown interest in joining us as Flying Faculty in the future.

I enjoyed meeting Prof. Anna Mechler from RWTH Aachen, a professor of Electrochemical Engineering Processes. Prof. Mechler is teaching the basics of Electrochemical Processes to Engineering students at Aachen. We agreed on establishing collaboration at the research level, as well, Prof. Mechler is willing to fly to Jordan to be involved in teaching courses offered at the PCE department. Prof. Dr. Adnan Lahham also joined me in part of the gathering as he is spending his sabbatical year at RWTH Aachen.

The last stop was at Hochschule Rhein Main. I met Prof. Dr. Michael Ballhorn and we discussed the issues of common interests, mainly the cooperation agreement for student placement, both ways. We agreed on revising the proposed agreement and stay in contact to bring the agreement to reality so that we could enjoy the desired collaboration. The discussion was also extended to include the possibility of inviting flying faculty professors from Rhein Main, mainly in the fields of recycling and waste-water management.

I flew back to Amman on the 22nd of September, directly from "Flughafen" Frankfurt along with my buddy, Dr. Sameer Hasan from the BME department. the visit was fruitful, successful, and full of events. I would like to thank both GJU and Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal for giving me the chance to conduct the mentioned activities over the week from the 14th to the 22nd of September 2022.


Written by

Dr. Mohammad F. Khanfar

PCE Exchange Coordinator