Amman, 6 September 2015

The German Jordanian University celebrated the Fifth Annual Evening of Excellence, in the presence of Prof. Labib Al Khadra, Minister of Higher Education and Research, representing Dr. Abdallah Ensour, the Jordanian Prime Minister. The event was held at GJU campus on Saturday 5th of September 2015.


The ceremony aims at honoring GJU top graduates, top students, distinguished academic staff members, distinguished administrative staff members, GJU centers, entrepreneurs and industry partners.


Prof. Natheer Abu Obeid, GJU President, expressed his pride at the excellent reputation that the university enjoys, defined by the very high percentage of employment and the quality of education. He also mentioned the academic partnerships that the university has with more than 90 German universities, the special relations with DAAD, Goethe Institute, GIZ and the German Embassy, among other important German institutions, all being strong indicators of the excellence of GJU.


Furthermore, the President extended his gratitude to his colleagues for their efforts in organizing the event. He also affirmed that the honorees performed consistently within the excellence value system at GJU and that the selection has been through a transparent process and according to rigorous academic criteria.


Prof. Abu Obeid thanked H. E. Prof. Al Khadra for his presence, and together they presented Certificates of Excellence to the honored graduates, students, staff members, entrepreneurs and industry partners, while GJU band performed musical pieces.


For the names of the honorees and their categories, please click here.​