Amman- 26 December 2022

The German Jordanian University (GJU), through the Deanship of Student Affairs (DSA), organized a stand in solidarity for the martyrs of Public Security who sacrificed themselves to preserve the security and safety of the homeland in the presence of the University President, Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli.

Dr. Al-Halhouli pointed out that the solidarity with our security services and the families of the martyrs embodies images of loyalty to the country, and its leadership, and love for our Jordanian armed forces, our security services, and their affiliates who sacrifice their lives so that the homeland remains safe, secure and solid in the face of external and internal dangers.

The participants stressed that Jordan fights against extremist, hateful ideologies and anyone who tries to intrude on its security and stability through the efforts of the armed and security forces. At the end of the stand, they prayed for the martyrs.