The German Jordanian University (GJU) through the school of Applied Technical Sciences (SATS) and Technical Vocational Training Academy (TVTA)/ Automotive Technology Academy (ATA) signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at cooperation between the two sides in the field of automotive technology training, investment and research.

The memorandum, which was signed on behalf of GJU, the president Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli and on behalf of TVTA, the General Manager, Eng. Ahmad Aqel, stipulated both parties will study the possibility of establishing an excellence and maintenance center for modern automotive technology, and conduct scientific applied research with GJU faculty members and students. In addition, the two parties agreed on participating in the Dual Studies program of conducting training courses for GJU’s students, staff and local community.

On the sideline of the signing ceremony, Prof. Al-Halhouli and Eng. Aqel handed over certificates for participating in Basis of Automotive Technology workshop organized by GJU and TVTA.

The ceremony was attended by the Dean of SATS, Prof. Iyas Khader, Head of Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering Department, Dr. Bashar Hammad, and Research and Teaching Assistant, Eng. Mohammad Alshimi.