Amman- 21 November 2022

The School of Applied Medical Sciences (SAMS)  at the German Jordanian University (GJU) organized a symposium to raise awareness on diabetes on World Diabetes Day.

In his welcoming speech, the Dean of SAMS, Prof. Ibrahim Al-Tarawneh, stressed the importance of raising awareness of diabetes and introducing SAM's students, in particular, to the latest technologies and devices that contribute to the treatment of the disease.

SAMS committee members of activities, marketing, and external relations at the School, Dr. Nasim Al-Numan and Dr. Jumana Ma'touq,  stressed the importance of uniting efforts as educational institutions and communities concerned with diabetes in awareness and health education so that all parties could work together to confront diabetes.

Dr. Sima Kalaldeh, a specialist in diabetes and endocrinology, a nutritionist, Roa'a Kahaleh, representatives of Irada Association for Diabetic Children and Youth, Leaders for Medical Technologies Solutions, Medtronic Jordan, and Leaders Laboratories participated in the event.

The symposium covered a variety of subjects, such as increasing public knowledge of diabetes and ways to avoid it, the value of eating well for managing diabetes, empowering and helping diabetic patients, and new technologies and equipment for those living with the disease.  At the end of each session, the students interacted with the guests by asking questions and discussing some topics.