Amman- August 2016  


This summer is busy in the GJU Vision Training Center (VTC) with the dissemination activities for the Tempus project: “Skills and Curriculum development in Vision Rehabilitation”. The goal is to raise awareness about vision rehabilitation with an emphasis on the multidisciplinary approach between different professionals.

Last Wednesday, 24th of August, a workshop for practitioners in physical and occupational therapy working in different centers and institutions was held in the GJU VTC. During 3 hours, the 15 participants learned about visual impairment, low vision assessment and visual training. They used simulation glasses to put themselves in the shoes of the persons with low while carrying on activities of daily living like,  moving around exploring unfamiliar places, doing near tasks such as reading and communication with new people. Moreover, they practiced the basic skills in orientation and mobility like the sighted guide technique.

After the workshop, during an open discussion with the trainers from the VTC , the participants shared their questions about the cases they are dealing with in their work place, especially children with  multiple disabilities and visual impairment.

A similar activity was carried on earlier in August in cooperation with the Faculty of Rehabilitation in the University of Jordan, one of the project partners, for the students from rehabilitation colleges from different universities.