Amman- 20 October 2021

During the period 16-25th September 2021, a delegation of four academic staff, two administrative staff and four students from the School of Applied Humanities and Languages (SAHL) visited the University of Hamburg (UHH) within the framework of the Transnational Higher Education (THE) project. This innovative project aims to build bridges between people, cultures and institutions, and at the same time provide a platform for reflecting on the latest trends in higher education.

Through groupwork, workshops held by faculty members of the UHH, excursions to world-famous sights, strolls through the unique streets of Hamburg, and dinner evenings, a sense of togetherness between the Jordanian and the German group members was created and contributed to a very productive exchange of ideas.

It is worth mentioning that this mobility was a continuation of the Transnational Higher Education project that was initiated in 2019 and sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). At its beginnings, the project endured drastic changes of plan due to the conditions of the pandemic and had to adapt to the new reality amidst national and world-wide lockdowns.

A delegation of German academic and administrative staff as well as students from the UHHU will SAHL in the first week of November.  Interpersonal exchange and groupwork will continue towards the final result, which is to be a booklet that presents the work done by staff and students, that started in Hamburg and was finalized in Amman,  and which reflects the best of both worlds.  Plans are underway to ensure that this cooperative exchange and research into higher education pedagogy will become a regular feature  over the coming years.