A Showcase of Research, Innovation and Creative Endeavour

October 2016


The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research invites you to the 2016 GJU Research Day. This is the first Annual GJU event that is dedicated to highlighting the breadth of research and innovation on issues of major disciplinary, multidisciplinary and global importance being done at GJU through presentations and poster sessions. The aim of Research Day is to provide an opportunity for GJU faculty and staff at all levels of employment, students and their academic, governmental and industrial partners to come together and present their research activities in a public forum. This Research Day also facilitate an opportunity to learn about the cutting edge research and other scientific objectives happening at GJU, advance cross-disciplinary collaboration and networking opportunities for research among all GJU community and help in raising awareness.

During the day, a lecture will be scheduled by a leader in life sciences or related fields who will speak about the latest developments in his or her research work. The day also will combine several sessions featuring the ground breaking research carried out at GJU. All participants, therefore, will explore and discuss their most inspiring research findings as various topics happening at GJU.

The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research cordially invite GJU members to attend this new showcase. All attendees are strongly encouraged to discuss ideas with participants in order to identify new and emerging challenges that will define the future of specific research fields related to GJU. It is in this spirit that the first Annual GJU Research Days will feature the highest standards of integrity and ethics of current and future research being conducted across GJU.

We hope that you will consider sharing your ongoing research with GJU community. We are looking forward to seeing you at the first Annual GJU Research Day on October 13th, 2016.