Amman- 17 October 2022

In a step that emphasizes the importance of applied education in our time, Maersk Jordan, one of the largest shipping companies in the world, has appointed the first graduate of the dual studies program at the German Jordanian University among its cadres, the student Marwan Mansour from the Logistic Sciences Department at the Business School (BS).

The program coordinator in the department, Dr. Imad Hatamleh, indicated that this achievement is the result of the partnership between GJU and partner companies in implementing the distinguished and unique Dual Studies program.

Mansour spent three training periods over three years, in addition to his presence as a student in the Logistics Sciences Department, where he completed the graduation requirements for his bachelor's degree.

The Dual Studies students receive vigorous follow-up from the program's team at the university and the department's members by providing them with the knowledge needed to be applied practicallyDr. Hatamleh noted that the achievement is recorded for the Department of Logistics Sciences and is a turning point in higher education in Jordan.