A group of seven GJU students and two faculty members from the School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology visited Technical University Brandenburg (Technische Hochschule Brandenburg (THB)) from May 26 to 31, 2023. The group participated in a student workshop on photogrammetry technologies for the digitalization of cultural heritage. The workshop was conducted under the umbrella of the DAAD-funded project titled "HAW International – Inter3DNA", coordinated by THB and managed by Prof. Julia Schnitzer.

During the workshop, the students received hands-on experience in photogrammetry, which is the technique of obtaining 3D models of physical objects from 2D scene photograms. For example, the students were trained to use a FARO scanner for capturing high-quality photographs of Plauer Tortum, one of the historical sites in Brandenburg, and then process them and generate a 3D model using several software applications, including Reality Capture and Metashape. At the end of the workshop, the students presented their work to summarize their experiences and outcomes.

Also, the students had a chance to attend a career training session. Besides, the students had the opportunity to visit several places in Brandenburg and Berlin via organized tours by THB.

The GJU students who participated in the workshop are Loujin Abu Abuhejleh, Faisal Abuna'meh, George Kandah, Hashem Al-Tayeb, Khaled Shweikeh, Osama Al-Rousan, and Ruba Aburumman. Also, the two GJU faculty members who joined the workshop are Dr. Abdullah Alfarrarjeh and Dr. Amani Abu Jabal.

It is worth mentioning that this workshop is successive to another student training workshop hosted at GJU in November 2022.