Sustainable Green Universities: A Case Study of the German Jordanian University
Students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Maintenance at the German Jordanian University won the graduation projects competition for Jordanian university students for the year 2020, organized by the Jordanian Engineers Association, under the supervision of Dr. Sustainable green: a case study of the German Jordanian University. The objective of the project is to evaluate the German Jordanian University in accordance with the procedures and roles it plays according to the international terms of reference for the classification of green sustainable universities. In order to reach strengths and weaknesses, a comprehensive environmental audit and assessment of energy, water and solid waste consumption was conducted. The students conducted a study of the current reality and presented modern engineering solutions that were studied and evaluated. These results come as a result of the policy of the German Jordanian University, which focuses on technical and applied education.
In its pursuit of distinction and obtaining its place among the best international universities, the German Jordanian State University, which was established in 2005, is making many efforts in the field of sustainability and environmental preservation. She realizes the importance of the relationship between the environment and education.
The university seeks to implement a number of green policies in an effort to be among the list of environmentally friendly universities locally and globally. It has set among its goals the achievement of sustainability in all fields, starting from the infrastructure that includes buildings, facilities, green spaces, and roads, to the intellectual field represented in faculties, courses, and research endeavors in the environment, energy, and climate change.
  The concept of a sustainable green university refers to academic institutions that can meet their needs for natural resources such as energy, water and raw materials without compromising the ability of subsequent generations to meet their needs in the future. Through this definition, we conclude that green universities set the following goals in mind: Ensure that all students address issues of sustainability and the environment through courses or extracurricular activities at the university. To be a zero carbon dioxide emission university (that is, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions must be equal to what is consumed in the process of photosynthesis by plants) through the use of renewable energy sources, the promotion of public transportation and the use of insulation technologies in buildings . Reducing waste through recycling, using organic waste as natural fertilizer, reusing water or other things. Maximizing biodiversity by purchasing organic foods, creating more green spaces and preventing the use of toxic chemicals. These goals that green universities seek are not impossible or difficult to implement.