The German Language Center (GLC) is a central unit of the German Jordanian University (GJU) with the task of preparing all students of the university's Bachelor's program for their obligatory so-called German Year. Every year, around 700 GJU students travel to Germany to spend a semester studying at one of the GJU's 120 German partner universities and a twenty-week internship at a company in Germany.

A unique feature of the GJU with a transnational educational character is that all Bachelor students, without exception, start a study period in Germany. This is politically desired and underscores the particularly strong, continuous reference to Germany, which is desired and supported by both governments.

Within the 18 years of its existence, the GJU has become one of the leading universities in the region. Our graduates are in high demand in both the national and regional job markets. Due to its success, GJU is considered a flagship among universities with a German dimension and transnational educational character.

The German Language Center has set itself the task of educating a generation of independent young people who are linguistically and interculturally prepared for their study stay in Germany and are thus able to combine experiences from different cultural and educational contexts and to contribute these positively to their later professional and social lives.

I am delighted to be able to accompany and help shape this challenging task in my function as head of the GJU's German Language Center and wish our students much success and joy in their studies at GJU and Germany.

Jacqueline Rogler