GJU has participated in the closing meeting of the Advancing Change in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ACLTHE) program, which aimed to build capacities in the field of education and enhance communication within the region. The program, which is organized in partnership with the United Kingdom through the British Council, involved fifteen Jordanian participants from GJU, Al-Hussein Technical University, Middle East University, Princess Sumaya University for Technology, and the Hashemite University.

The ACLTHE program aims to provide a distinguished educational journey that builds on the experience of the faculty members and employees in the Jordanian universities in the fields of teaching methods, distinguished research, technology, and innovation. In addition, the program aims to guide the participants to improve their leadership skills, apply state-of-the-art learning technology, and foster student participation in the learning process, in addition to promote transformative change within universities through the participation of trainees in creative, transformative projects that are designed to meet the needs of higher education institutions.

During the meeting, the trainees had the opportunity to present the transformative projects that they have developed throughout the project, in the presence of representatives from Jordanian universities and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in addition to consultants from the ACLTHE program and speakers from the United Kingdom.

Two trainees from GJU, namely Dr. Farah Al-Atrash from the School of Architecture and Built Environment (SABE) and Ms. Aya Manna from the Center for E-Learning and Academic Performance Improvement (CeLAPI), have participated in the program. Ms. Manna’s project aimed to enhance the ability of GJU students to access the university electronic services and platforms by developing a video tutorial using the animation and blended video techniques.

In addition, Dr. Al-Atrash's project aimed to promote building a culture of trust within universities, between universities and students, and between universities and industry to deepen the spirit of teamwork and partnership for improving the learning process.

These creative projects have been supported by GJU President, Prof. Ala’edeen Al-Halhouli, who emphasized the importance of prompting positive change and encouraging learning advancement and innovation to enrich the learning process at the university. Prof. Al-Halhouli stated that the creative projects of Dr. Farah Al-Atrash and Ms. Aya Manna are aligned with the vision and mission of the university.

During the meeting, GJU has been represented by Prof. Mohammad Daoud - Director of the Center for E-Learning and Academic Performance Improvement, Dr. Dhiah Abou Tair - project coordinator, Dr. Ala’a Khalifa - Vice Dean of the Deanship of Innovation, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship, and Dr. Mohammad Ta’amneh - Director of the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Department.