Amman- 4 October 2021

The German Jordanian University (GJU) Student Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (GJU-IEEE) conducted their first introductory webinar and information session to introduce students to the renewed IEEE student branch. Around 60 students from different GJU schools attended the webinar which was held via Zoom Platform on Saturday the 25th of September.

Dr. Ala’ Khalifeh, an associate professor in the school of electrical engineering and information technology in GJU, who is also the chairman of IEEE Jordan section kicked off the webinar by talking about IEEE in Jordan, Jordan section officers and executive committee members, IEEE Jordan section statistics and activities.

Subsequently, Dr. Hisham ElMoaqet, mechatronics and artificial intelligence department head and associate professor in the school of applied technical sciences in GJU, who is also the counselor of IEEE GJU student branch, demonstrated the benefits of becoming an IEEE member and further explained the structure of the student branch.

At last, the students got the chance to hear from Muhammad Al Barham, an engineering student at the University of Jordan and the Student Representative of the IEEE Jordan Section. Muhammad shared his experiences in IEEE with the students, inspiring them to become members and participate in IEEE events to help them shape their personality and become better engineers.

For any questions regarding joining and participating in the GJU-IEEE student branch, please contact the faculty counselor of the student branch:

Dr. Hisham ElMoaqet

Associate Professor and Department Head

Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering

Building C, office: C214

Tel: +96264294512