In 1982, ICOMOS established 18 April as the International Day for Monuments and Sites (IDMS). Each year, ICOMOS proposes a theme for the activities of its members and partners to emphasize. This theme for this year's IDMS features HERITAGE CHANGES.

The Center for Cultural and Natural Heritage (CSNACH) at the German Jordanian University (GJU) has a vision and set of goals that are directly aligned with the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) 2023 theme.  “Heritage changes” is particularly relevant given the current challenges facing cultural and natural heritage worldwide, including environmental degradation, population growth, and resource depletion.


At its core, CSNACH is dedicated to the preservation and protection of cultural and natural heritage in Jordan and the broader Middle East region. The center's mission is to promote sustainable development through the conservation and management of cultural and natural heritage resources. In this way, CSNACH's goals are closely aligned with ICOMOS' vision for the future of heritage preservation.


One key aspect of CSNACH's work that is particularly relevant to the theme of "Heritage Changes" is its focus on using innovative technologies to document, analyze, and manage cultural and natural heritage sites. The center's staff, volunteers, and partners include experts in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and other advanced technologies that can be used to create detailed maps, models, and other visualizations of heritage sites. These tools can be used to identify changes in the physical environment over time, as well as to track patterns of human activity and development that may have an impact on heritage resources.


Another important goal of CSNACH is to promote sustainable development in the context of heritage preservation. This means working to balance the needs of local communities with the imperative to protect and conserve cultural and natural heritage sites. CSNACH's staff work closely with local communities and stakeholders to understand their needs and priorities, and to develop strategies that will promote sustainable development while also preserving heritage resources. This approach is fully in line with ICOMOS' vision for the future of heritage conservation, which emphasizes the need to balance conservation goals with the needs of local communities and other stakeholders.


Finally, CSNACH is committed to developing new approaches to heritage conservation that are informed by the latest research and scholarship. The center hosts regular conferences, workshops, and other events that bring together scholars, experts, and practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and best practices. This approach is fully in line with ICOMOS' commitment to promoting research and scholarship in the field of heritage conservation, and to developing new and innovative approaches to the challenges facing heritage resources in the 21st century.


In conclusion, the Center for Cultural and Natural Heritage at the German Jordanian University is a model of excellence in the field of heritage conservation. Its vision and goals are fully aligned with the International Council on Monuments and Sites 2023 theme of "Heritage Changes," and its work is helping to promote sustainable development and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage resources in Jordan and beyond. Through its commitment to innovation, community engagement, and research, CSNACH is helping to shape the future of heritage conservation and ensure that these resources will be protected for generations to come.


Useful Links:

ICOMOS Website
ICOMOS 18 April 2023 leaflet
CSNACH Website
CSNACH Facebook Group
CSNACH LinkedIn Page