Last update: 02.08.2023


About the program: 

Erasmus+ is the European Commission's Programme for education, training, youth, and sport. At GJU, incoming and outgoing staff can benefit from Erasmus+ partnerships. 

Who can apply?

All GJU staff members are welcome to apply (academics and administrative staff members).

How can I apply?

At the end of the calendar year the IAD publishes the partner list with all available seats for the upcoming year. Interested staff members can apply online and name three preferences for their mobility.

How long is the Erasmus+ mobility?

The Erasmus+ staff mobility is five days + two days for traveling.

What does the Erasmus+ mobility cover?

The final funding amount depends on the partner. Usually a daily rate of 140-180 Euro and a one time travel lump sum of about 360-530 Euro is given. Participants have to cover travel, accommodation, health insurance and daily expanses with this amount.

When do I receive the Erasmus+ staff mobility grant?

Depending on the host University the process can differ. Some partners pay in advance, some give cash while you visit, others reimburse after the mobility is finished. 


At GJU, we have the following Erasmus+ partners in Germany and Europe: to be announced in approx. October/ November 2023

For more information, please contact: 

Ari Kehr

Building F, Office 017


Tel.: +962 6 4294894

German landline: +49 391 505 47432