Who is the person with low vision?

The person with low vision is the person who has impairment of visual functioning even after treatment and/or standard refractive correction, and has a visual acuity of less than 6/18 (0.3), or a visual field less than 10 degrees from the point of fixation. This impairment causes restriction in that person's everyday life such as reading, using cellphone, watching TV, seeing the board at school, mobility and moving around in different light conditions, and other functional problems.

Who can enroll in the professional training courses offered at the Vision Rehabilitation Center (VRC)?

The courses are offered for specialists who want to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of vision rehabilitation such as optometrists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, special education and any other specialists dealing with persons with vision impairment.

Are the certificates for the training courses accredited by the Ministry of higher education?  

The training courses, that are offered on site at the Vision Rehabilitation Center (VRC), are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education. They do not lead to an academic degree, and their training hours do not account in case the trainee wishes to continue his/her studies for such a degree.

Where is the Vision Rehabilitation Center (VRC) located?

Are there other branches for Vision Rehabilitation Center (VRC)?


How can I arrange an appointment at the Vision Rehabilitation Center (VRC) as a person with low vision?

  1. Contact the vision rehabilitation center at phone number 00962 6 4294489 or 00962 6 4294492 or 00962 6 4294490 .
  2. The VRC team will check via phone that the person is a low vision, and explain to him/her the rehabilitation services offered at VRC and make sure to meet his/her expectations.
  3. The contact information of the person with low vision is taken to arrange for an appointment according to the upcoming clinic dates.
  4. The service user needs to bring a report with the medical diagnosis from his/her ophthalmologist, and bring any old visual assistive devices whether its is used or not.

What kind of services do you offer at the Vision Rehabilitation Center (VRC)?

  1. Assessment of needs and functional problems for person with low vision.
  2. Assessment of visual functions which includes; far visual acuity, near visual acuity, reading acuity, contrast sensitivity, visual field and color vision.
  3. Determining the needed assistive devices according to each service user needs.
  4. Training on the use of assistive devices and visual skills.
  5. Recommendations concerning the needed environmental adaptations.

How much time does it take to conduct vision assessment and rehabilitation process?

On average it will take around two hours for each service user.

How much does it cost to conduct functional assessment?

Since VRC is a non-profit center, the children under 18 years old pay 10.00 JD, and the adults over 18 years old pay 20.00 JD.