Fluid, Heat and Reaction Lab (PCE362)


the laboratory of fluid dynamics,heat transfer , and chemical reaction engineering is a process material that relates to the theories covered by the materials of heat transfer engineering and chemical reactions. Upon successful

Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Laboratory (PCE371)

Objective: -To get practical knowledge of current laboratory techniques used in organic chemistry (Melting point determination, Different types of Distillation, Recrystallization, Extraction, Chromatography).

  • To be
Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry Laboratory (PCE272)

Objective: The practical part is designed to achieve a working knowledge through examination of some of the basic physicochemical principles covered in the lectures of PCE242 in the delivery of drug and the design of pharmaceutical dosage forms.



Pharmaceutical Technology -Liquid Forms Laboratory (PCE373)

Objective: The main objectives of the course are to:

 • Provide the knowledge of the “compounding art”, i.e. the art of preparing various Liquid & Semi-solid dosage forms, usually made in a pharmacy (community or hospital)

 • Review the contents and objectives

Pharmaceutical Technology -Solid Forms Laboratory (PCE374)

Objective: The main objectives of the course are to:

  • To be able to conduct pre-formulation studies: Flowability, Solubility and Solubilization.
  • To recognize the manufacturing process and formulation of solid dosage forms.
Separation Processes Laboratory (PCE562)

Objective: Separation Processes Laboratory is a practical course that is related to theories covered in separation processes course. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Applying Separation concepts, heat and mass transfer
Biochemistry Laboratory (PCE381)

Objective: The main objective of this course is to teach the students fundamental approaches for experimentally investigating biochemical problems, teach them the theoretical foundations for the used methods, and help them to understand the applicability of the biochemical

General Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM106)


The goal of this lab is to help the students to understand the fundamental principles of chemistry through performing simple experiments. These principles include physical separation techniques, different types of chemical reactions, Stoichiometry, volumetric

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (PCE281)


Analytical Chemistry is about studying types and quantities of unknown useful compounds like the key ingredients in food, drugs, cosmetics, and other consumables we usually deal with on daily basis. The analysis is performed practically in Analytical Chemistry

Microbiology Laboratory (PCE282)

Objective: Students will be able to learn how to work in a microbiological lab, learn sterilization techniques and work aseptically and in clean conditions to avoid contamination. Learn how to deal with microorganisms of different types in the lab. Get basic knowledge of

Aspen Plus Simulation Laboratory (PCE543)

Objective: Aspen plus lab is the practical part of the pharmaceutical plant design course. In this lab, the student can do a simulation for the entire lifecycle of a process covering the following levels of details: conceptual engineering, basic engineering, detailed engineering